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Germany, Austria, Switzerland


Passavant® Multi-Rake Bar Screens KUR-C

Ludwigshafen, Germany


The main pumping station "Unteres Rheinufer" in Ludwigshafen has been in operation since the end of the 1970s.
In connection with the overall refurbishment of the pumping station, the bar screen system was also to be mechanically refurbished or replaced. As the operation with the old screens with screenings discharge in the basement was uncomfortable and no longer up to date, these were to be replaced by Multi Rake Bar Screens with screenings discharge on the ground floor.
After filling the screenings container, it had to be lifted to the ground floor with a portal crane and transported outside to the container storage area. There the containers could only be moved on roller bars arrangedlengthwise and crosswise.


The compact design  of our Passavant® Multi Rake Bar Screens KUR-C enabled screenings to be discharged at ground floor level without having to raise the roof. For a comfortable screenings disposal the plant was completed by further accessories. For conveying the wet screenings from the discharge of the Bar Screens, one movable and reversible troughed conveyor belt each is provided for the dry weather screens and the storm water screens.

For redundancy reasons and to cope with downtimes and maintenance work, two screenings presses are installed behind the conveyor belts. Their conveyor pipes lead into one spiral conveyor each, which is completely hygienically encapsulated and with intermediate discharge facilities for filling the containers.

The containers can be moved out of the screening station by two rail-bound container transport cars for disposal. In addition to the machine technology, the scope of supply also included the renewal of the complete switchgear as well as the electrical installation of the renovated and extended screening station.


  • Screenings discharge at operating level due to compact height
  • No sprockets in the submerged area
  • Completely hygiene-enclosed system
  • Short clearing cycles due to the installation of up to 13 cleaning elements


Technical Data

Passavant® Multi-Rake Bar Screen KUR-C with accessories:
2 dry-weather- and 3 storm water screens

Design parameters DWS1 DWS2 3 x SWS
Chamber width 1.55 m 1.50 m 3 x 2.75 m
Chamber depth 7.35 m 9.45 m 9.6 m 
Max. inflow 700 l/s 1000 l/s 13.000 l/s
Bar spacing 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm
Number of rakes 10 13 10


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