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Geiger® Revolving Chain Screen

Tunisia, North Africa

Upgrade Water Intake Screening Solutions at the Sousse C + D Power Plant. Geiger® Revolving Chain Screen at the Sousse Power Plant in Tunisia, North Africa


The Geiger® Revolving Chain Screen: heavy-duty equipment for the reliable and efficient removal of large quantities of debris.


  • Low-quality of existing equipment from the original supplier
  • Poor pump station hydraulic design (too high flow velocity)
  • Large debris load coming from the inlet bay
  • Poor performance of the screens, not able to deal with the large amount of algae, seaweed and trash
  • Poor technical response from the original supplier
  • EPC still involved in the plant operation and in the overall project warranty

Reference Plant A


  • Geiger Screening Equipment has been working properly at the Sousse Power Plant A (since 1979)
  • During visit in Sousse our Service dept. was informed about the reliability issues at C + D intake screens
  • Owner requested support acknowledging quality difference between 40-year old working Geiger screens and competitor’s screens at plant C + D

Technical Data

  Geiger® Revolving Chain Screen with reduced bar spacing
Number 4
Channel width 3.60 m
Channel depth 7.93 m
Flowrate 25,600 mÂł/h
  • From 35mm to 12mm, with “tear-drop” bar profile to limit headloss
  • Curved bar rack foot section to recover screening area
  • More than 20 mÂł/h of trash removal capacity per screen


Are you interested in more details or do you have further requests?

Therefore, please get in touch via our general contact form and refer to this specific case study.
