Cable-Operated Grab Cleaner /
Bar Screens Raking Machines /
Trash Raking
Cable-Operated Grab Cleaners/Bar Screens are typically installed in water intake systems as front-end coarse screens or trash racks. Depending on technical requirements, there are stationary and traversing versions available, to minimize costs on multi-channel intake designs at optimized reliability.
Unique Features
- Available as stationary or traversing/movable machines for multiple channels- one grab cleaner for three or more channels
- Intelligent cleaning technique
- Highly reliable grabbing and removal of bulky debris
- High loading capacity of the grab cleaner
- Different speeds for the cleaner carriage during the descent and cleaning cycle
- The cleaning cycle can be started from any grab cleaner position
- Exact limitation of the lifting movement
- Fully automated cleaning operation with slack rope control (for 3-rope device).
- Adaptable: Different speeds for the cleaner carriage during the descent and cleaning cycle.
- The cleaning cycle can be started from any grab cleaner position, due to the slack-rope control
- Polyamid hose drums to minimize wear and tear and for longest, easiest service life (awarded by the Federal German State of Baden-Württemberg)