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Germany, Austria, Switzerland


Case Studies

Reliable Technologies powered by our brands Passavant®, Geiger® & Noggerath®

Competence overview: Intelligent solutions for the challenges of the future.


Planned, tested, commissioned: For more than 125 years, Passavant-Geiger has set international standards for modern and future-oriented seawater intakes and wastewater technology. Our corporate philosophy is based on innovation and investment security. With countless references and case studies from Germany and abroad, we can prove this claim at any time and again.


All Case Studies Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Secondary and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Mechanical Pre-Treatment Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations Water Intakes and Pumping Stations
